Estação Newspaper: "Bolivia becomes a sanctuary for Narcosur, the PCC drug cartel" - Narco State Bolivia
A report by journalist Marcelo Godoy, published by the newspaper The State of San Paulo, Brazil, indicates that Bolivia has become a kind of sanctuary of 'Narcosur', the drug cartel of the Primer Comando de la Capital (PCC), from Brazil. It indicates that the Federal Police (PF)'s difficulty in acting in the neighboring country and the central geographic location in South America have transformed Bolivia into the sanctuary of Narcosur, as investigators called the cartel that brings together representatives of the top leadership of the Primer Comando de la Capital (PCC) and associated with international drug trafficking. Holidays in jewels, medical clinics, restaurants, haciendas and walks, together with their families, with tranquility in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, sign in the report published by this Brazilian media. Unpublished photographs and messages obtained from the cell phones of drug trafficker Anderson Lacerda Pereira, alias El Gordo, and intelligence i...